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Catherine Halse

Philosophies Used in Concept of Leadership.

A Japanese Kendo practitioner. Practicing sword arts in safety .


Martial Arts as a concept in leadership, can be used in organisations, whereby philosophies help them thrive and remain sustainable in societies. Philosophers such as Aristotle, Sun Tzu, Socrates, Plato, Marcus Aurelius, Confucius and so on, have played part of the wisdom in successful societies and strategy for many generations even millennia. In the contemporary business environment, philosophy guides the values in which businesses operate more ethically so they remain sustainable. In today's fast paced innovative world the survival of business use philosophies to remain competitive.

The leaders seeking inner and outer awareness of the 'holistic' business environment can be met by Eastern, European or even military philosophies as concept of leadership.

Philosophies are determined in use by what situation may arise.

Leadership Concepts

“The man who does not plan for the future will come to regret it.” by Bodhi Sanders. BUSHIDO: The Way of The Warrior

Looking with new eyes.

Leadership is what we see with “new eyes”. The extent that we are guided to craft out our paths. This is crucial for any leader being entrepreneurial and leaving a legacy long after departure. Who can ever forget some of the greatest leaders of our time and the belief they held in transforming communities and even shaped the beliefs of the world.

In example of looking with new eyes. In view of martial arts, there is often a restricted concept of people fighting each other with or without rules.

Importantly, in terms of the “martial aspects”.

Martial arts is broader in what they have to offer that are devised in the “arts” portion of martial arts. For instance, martial arts encompass eastern philosophies, the ancient cultures and ways, critical methods of thinking; practical solutions to modern problems; “biomechanics; neuroscience; and behavioural psychology."

The wisdom of the masters of the east has stemmed from practical warfare and personal survival into business strategies and personal development. The martial arts as a concept in leadership encompasses world view, focus, ethics and resilience.

Philosophy is Survival and Balance and Priorities.

priorities meter

Philosophies provide different perspectives on setting priorities in leadership. Leaders can choose or integrate these approaches based on their own values, the needs of their organisation, and the context in which they operate.

The philosophies provide us vantages in all aspects of living and transactions between people such as.

a) To survive every day in business, competition, and life.
b) To have balance of the holistic well- being- that be spiritual, mind, physical, emotion, environment. Being in the Zen


Here are some philosophies that can be used in todays leadership.

The Eisenhower Matrix:

This matrix, popularised by former US President Dwight D. Eisenhower, is a simple yet effective tool for prioritisation. It classifies tasks into four categories based on their urgency and importance: (a) Important and Urgent, (b) Important but Not Urgent, (c) Not Important but Urgent, and (d) Not Important and Not Urgent. Leaders can use this matrix to identify and focus on tasks that are important for long-term success while managing urgent matters.

Pareto Principle (80/20 Rule):

The Pareto Principle suggests that 80% of the outcomes are a result of 20% of the inputs. Applying this principle to leadership, it means that a significant portion of results can be achieved by focusing on a few vital priorities. Leaders should identify the critical few tasks or initiatives that can yield the most significant impact and allocate resources accordingly.

Servant Leadership:

This philosophy, popularised by Robert K. Greenleaf, emphasises the leader's role as a servant to their team and stakeholders. A servant leader prioritises the needs and growth of their followers, creating a culture of trust, collaboration, and empowerment. By focusing on the well-being and development of their team, servant leaders prioritise nurturing human potential and achieving collective goals.

Ethical Leadership:

Ethical leadership places a strong emphasis on values, integrity, and ethical decision-making. Leaders who prioritise ethics make conscious efforts to align their actions with moral principles and promote a culture of fairness, transparency, and accountability. Ethical leaders consider the long-term consequences of their decisions, prioritise the well-being of all stakeholders, and foster an environment of trust and respect.

Agile Leadership:

In today's rapidly changing and uncertain business environment, agile leadership has gained prominence. Agile leaders prioritize adaptability, flexibility, and continuous learning. They encourage experimentation, embrace feedback, and adjust their priorities based on emerging opportunities and challenges. Agile leaders focus on creating an agile organization that can quickly respond to market dynamics and deliver value to customers.

Authentic Leadership:

Authentic leaders prioritise self-awareness, genuine relationships, and congruence between their values, words, and actions. They prioritise building trust and meaningful connections with their team members, fostering an environment of open communication and collaboration. Authentic leaders prioritise their own personal growth and well-being, which in turn positively impacts the individuals and organisations they lead.

Ultimately, effective prioritisation requires a deep understanding of the organisation's mission, vision, and goals, as well as the ability to balance short-term urgencies with long-term strategic objectives.


Modern business courses often include these strategies. All leaders require strategies of success. Leadership involves application of well tested wisdom. The concept in leadership is well grounded using philosophical wisdoms that provide sustainability and endurance.

Leaders who are masters of their craft, have a lifetime of experience. They leave a legacy to pass on what they have learned. However, as the environment continues to evolve, in some cases role models are helpful for leaders. One should not though pass up the opportunity for using their own uniqueness to create their own path to success.

As a leader, embrace the power of wisdom of the ancient and contemporary philosophies. Place philosophies like the Eisenhower Matrix, Pareto Principle, servant leadership, ethical leadership, agile leadership, and authentic leadership into your decision-making process.

By understanding the value of setting priorities and utilising these philosophies, contact Chameleon Confidential Solutions so you can enhance your leadership effectiveness, drive positive organisational change, and achieve sustainable success.

A very colourful chameleon on a tree branch

Catherine Halse ©2020. Updated 2023. All Rights Reserved


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